Di Luzio Engineering s.r.l. Chairman

Claudio Di Luzio was born in Rome on October 24th 1950.
He's married since 1975 and he's father of three sons.
He's involved in architecture and engineering, with qualified professional assignments, as well as essays and publications, but also social and cultural commitment covering over the years several assignments.
He's graduated at San Leone Magno High School (Rome) in 1968-69.
Claudio has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering (1975) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" , final grade 108 out of 110. The graduation thesis is entitled "Research methodology for the definition of an urban typology" about the redevelopment of the urban area of Ponte Milvio in Rome, supervisor prof. Marcello Rebecchini.
On December 1975, he received the Professional Qualification for Engineer.
He's a member of the Order of Engineers of Rome and Province since April 1976, n. 9751. In 2001 he was awarded with the silver medal of the Order of Engineers of Rome.
He carried out scientific research (1976-1983), also as supervisor of the graduation thesis at the Faculty of Engineering, Department of "Architecture, Building and Urban Planning", Chairs of "Complements of Technical Architecture" and "Technology of Building Elements for the Industrialised Building", Profs. G. Zama and G. Carrara.
Since 1982 he is the owner of "Studio Di Luzio - Engineering and Architecture". Since 2002 he is Chairman of "Di Luzio Engineering srl", a company of engineering, architecture and real estate management, based in Rome.
In particular, with that company, he has developed senior positions, including real estate assessments of Biomedical Campus spa (Trigoria), in relation to hospitals, land and Universities. The company is also the only Italian partner of 2 projects funded by the European Community (DEARSUN and COOLSUN) on renewal energy as part of a consortium of international partners.